August 27th, 2010. Just finished a software translation that took longer than expected. Working on passages for English-Swedish certification. It is amazing how much we in the grader group learn together.
August 12th, 2010. Wow, time flies! I have finished several website translations, evaluated three Swedish translators and made a presentation for the ProZ virtual translation conference on Sept 30th and American Translators Associations annual conference in October.
July 18th, 2010, rest of the month booked with translations for a large non-profit organization. Fun!
July 4th-18th. Vacation, camping, family reunion, relatives and a lot of driving. Love Oregon.
June 23, 2010. Translating marketing material for a car into Swedish and also communications for Lions International. A welcome break from all software lingo. Taking a four day weekend to go river rafting and celebrate Swedish midsummer.
June 15, 2010, Kids are out of school and the work schedule changes to accomodate them. Working on translating organic skin care products, large business communications project and web help software for a major mobile software company.
June 1, 2010, Back from a minivacation in Paris. Translating more material for a company code of ethics, editing online material for beauty products.
May 16, 2010, Two software translation projects, strings, user interfaces and more. Attended two local business networking events last week. Interesting!
May 3, 2010, Finishihg up translation of Lean Management book, starting two EN-SV software translations, one internal business communication translation and one business presentation for a direct client.
April 15, 2010 Software localization for Microsoft in LocStudio, plus internal business communications for multinational chemical company, then off for a mini vacation to sunny southern Utah with my daughter.
April 7, 2010 Marketing material for HP, translating and editing ínternet security softwareApril 2, 2010 As the language chair I am working together with three other Swedish translators to launch certification English-Swedish translators in the US. My project for this weekend (Easter) to test grade my part of the first certification tests we have produced. Moving one step closer to launching the certification.